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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Ahhh... guess what day is today? That's right, it's the start of my adult life. Tonight I am going to my uncle's house, where most of my relatives (on my Dad's side) will be. Not for a birthday celebration, but for some wierdo Chinese festival. Mum had a hard time explaining it to me, something about before Chinese New Year, there is some celebration thing.

On another note, my Dad has the same birthday as me. You would think that he would then remember my birthdate as well. You know when it's your birthday, the Pastor sends you a birthday card? Well, I get my card every year on the 9th of September. My Dad filled out the form wrong. Oh well. :)

And below is a passage of writing which I stole from The Word for Today. But I also read it once in one of those Chicken Soup for the Soul books. So some of you may have read it before. But I like it. Very fitting.


Blogger jeffyen is really cool because Blogger jeffyen said...

haha, the weirdo festival is dong zhi 东至; it's technically the winter solstice, when the sun is most far away from the earth; the longest night of the year signifying the coming of winter, which is not very applicable to folks in the southern hemisphere hehe

Many happy returns! :)

5:38 AM  
Blogger jeffyen is really cool because Blogger jeffyen said...

oops, haha, east is wrong...

i got the solstice wrong too. the way i understand it, it means when the tilt of the earth with respect to the earth's orbital plane is the greatest...hence resulting in long nights...

3:40 PM  

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