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Friday, January 07, 2005

That Crazy Lady

I reckon I should post, seeing as I haven't for over a week. But my life is boring in the holidays, it consists of eating, sleeping, reading, and (right now) watching Gilmore Girls. And that pretty much sums up my holidays.

But I love my house, so no complaints here. I think that I would make a pretty good recluse if I wanted. I'm not a very sociable person and I am not really into parties. I wonder what job you do if you were a recluse. Maybe just be that crazy lady in the neighbourhood who throws cats at tresspassers. I'm sure every suburb has one, the house where primary school kids walk past really fast, and where highschool kids dare each other to jump the fence and look inside. Hehe... sounds like a good life for me.

And the random quote for today - this is quoted by Mussolini, but I heard it when I was watching Gilmore Girls. If I ever get married (and that looks like a big if), remind me to have this quote printed on all the wedding invites/program.

Random Quote of the Day: "We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty"


Anonymous Anonymous is really cool because Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alison! That's what holidays are for! just bumming around... so dont worry... you're normal (except the bit about watching Gilmore Girls)...

"I'm sure every suburb has one, the house where primary school kids walk past really fast, and where highschool kids dare each other to jump the fence and look inside"

OK... that is my house.
coz my house is really near the train station u know... so people walk home from the train station after school and after work... plus my house's near a primary school... so kids and their mums walk past my hse too...

wanna live here?

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous is really cool because Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops I forgot... the previous comment was posted by ME... yes ME... Simon Ow... oh and this comment is also posted by me. yes me.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Ali is really cool because Blogger Ali said...

Hey Simon! Always see you commenting on my blog nowadays! You should set up your own so that when you leave, we all know what you're up to. And your house looks way to friendly to be the scary house!!

Amy, I will definately be at your wedding before you come to mine! And introducing some friends? You are starting to sound like my dad!!

9:26 AM  
Blogger hooi is really cool because Blogger hooi said...

Yoohoo!! Glad that you finally accept ur age...heheh...so have you finished watching Gilmore Girls yet?? Don't tell me the story...i wanna watch it for myself. Sad to say, I'm reminded by some of the scenes even during my holiday...

10:52 PM  
Blogger Ali is really cool because Blogger Ali said...

Hey Hooi! Hope your holidays have been going okay!

Just finished the second season of GG today...and Fred would be so happy that he has converted you into a GG fan!

9:58 PM  

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