State Election
Hey kids! Who are you going to vote for in the election this Saturday? Colin Barnett (Liberal) or Geoff Gallop (Labor)?
The people running in my district are Tony McRae (Labor) and Margaret Thomas (Liberal). And I have no idea who to vote for. Tony McRae (in power now) has done a lot of stuff for Riverton. Like the Roe Highway stuff. But Margaret Thomas actually came to my house. You know, those door-knocking politicians. And today our family got a letter from her father, saying how cool a daughter she is. True story. Oooh, and Margaret Thomas also used to live in the same suburb as me. How exciting.
So, who to vote for? I know the stuff about Margaret Thomas sounds stupid, but a lot of people vote for politicians based on likeability. For example, my Dad didn't vote for Richard Court (former premier of WA) because Richard Court didn't say hello to my Dad when they were on the street. Not that they knew each other personally, but my Dad is weird like that.
Random Quote of the Day: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work" -- Thomas Edison
*Edit* Just heard on the news that Riverton is a marginal seat. How exciting.