Enter hilarious blog title here: February 2005

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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

State Election

Hey kids! Who are you going to vote for in the election this Saturday? Colin Barnett (Liberal) or Geoff Gallop (Labor)?

The people running in my district are Tony McRae (Labor) and Margaret Thomas (Liberal). And I have no idea who to vote for. Tony McRae (in power now) has done a lot of stuff for Riverton. Like the Roe Highway stuff. But Margaret Thomas actually came to my house. You know, those door-knocking politicians. And today our family got a letter from her father, saying how cool a daughter she is. True story. Oooh, and Margaret Thomas also used to live in the same suburb as me. How exciting.

So, who to vote for? I know the stuff about Margaret Thomas sounds stupid, but a lot of people vote for politicians based on likeability. For example, my Dad didn't vote for Richard Court (former premier of WA) because Richard Court didn't say hello to my Dad when they were on the street. Not that they knew each other personally, but my Dad is weird like that.

Random Quote of the Day: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work" -- Thomas Edison

*Edit* Just heard on the news that Riverton is a marginal seat. How exciting.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

It feels like I just posted, but I realised that my last post was more than a week ago. The weeks have been going super fast. Only a week til uni starts again. What have I accomplished in these holidays? I can tell you this in one word:

Nothing. And I'm proud of it. This will probably be the last time I'll have 3 months holiday ever again.

Hey hey, I am doing another Autism training thingy though. The corporation is called ISADD (Intervention Services for Autism and Delvelopmental Delay -- found the website Amy!). Did an observation with two other girls and the client (a little boy, so cute!). So I am driving all the way to Roleystone on Sunday to complete the training program. Yeah, that's out in the sticks. =)

So, yeah. Life's good.

Random Quote of the Day: "Just remember that whatever the temperature of the room is, it's always room temperature" -- 98.5, Sonshine FM

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Chinese New Year

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I'm sure you've all been disappointed by that. I can imagine you all saying, "why hasn't Alison posted on her blog?"

Hehe.. yeah.

Anyway, for all you Asians, I hope your Chinese New Year has been good so far. I swear, the Chinese have the weirdest customs. *Note* before reading further, sorry if any of the stuff I say is wrong (includes Chinese spelling -- I spell how I would say it).

Okay, so Tuesday night we went to my grandmother/uncle's house to eat "toon neen farn". Hehe, that looks funny. The second word means 'year' and the last word means 'food/rice'. Not sure about the first word though.

Wednesday morning went to eat a disgusting vegetarian breakfast. Had to go early because my sister had to go to school. That was the earliest I've woken up in ages. Got some of my red packets... I swear, I bet the person who thought of this tradition was a kid.

Wednesday night we went to a resturant. We actually went to 'Foo Wah', opposite my church. Since I have such a big family, we needed three tables, so we didn't finish a lot of the dishes. Too bad for me, all the dishes were seafood. So my Dad had to force me to eat stuff. We had to do that 'low hay' thing, where you mix up the dish that's full of carrot and radish and (in this case) raw salmon. I learnt that my younger cousin Chris doesn't like chicken. How can you not like chicken? The weirdo.

Anyway, we're going to my grandmother's house again tonight. *big groan here*

So if you've made it to the end of this post and still understand (and aren't bored of) what I'm saying, here's just a couple of quick things...
  1. Did you know that the word 'clobber' means 'clothes'?
  2. Happy 21st birthday Dorcas! Hope you're having fun!
Random Quote of the Day: "It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it." -- Sam Levenson

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Hey hey! One thing first...


21! Wow, man. See you Saturday right? Not that you read this blog anyway.

Anyway, credits to Fred, here is my Japanese name:

My japanese name is 小島 Kojima (small island) 千秋 Chiaki (very fine in autumn).
Take your real japanese name generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator.

Pretty cool.

Any lastly, Hewitt lost the Oz Open! And now he's getting married to Home and Away girl Bec Cartwright... what is this world coming too?

Random Quote of the Day: "You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy and the tallest guy in basketball is Chinese." -- Chris Rock