Enter hilarious blog title here: June 2005

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pants that travel

Well, all the other blogs are talking about the camp, so I thought I should too. It was really good. And I haven't leaked yet. How exciting.

Can't wait to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with my sister. It's got the girl from Gilmore Girls in it, Alexis Bledel. Every school holidays my sister and I go out together at least once. Makes me feel young and hip. Not that I'm not already.

Helping my mum make some food today. Pardon my Canto - char siu sow. How exciting.

And that's all I have planned for the holidays. Anyone wanna do anything? I need a life! Chrissy and Jess! Haven't seen you guys for ages! Something on Saturday night? Ask Lauren. I'll ring Jo.

Oh, and by the way, Ben asked me to put a chatterbox thingy on the side of this blog. Do you think I should? It'll be easier for people to write comments I guess...

Random Quote of the Day: "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Mr & Mrs Smith

If my mum is any sort of judge of movies, don't go to watch Mr and Mrs Smith. She went to watch it with her friends yesterday (cheapskate Tuesday) and she fell asleep during the movie. It's not like the movie was on really late at night or anything, she went during the day.

I am addicted to the game Sudoku. It rocks.

Friday, June 17, 2005

So how is everyone coping with the freezing weather this year? I always forget how cold it can get, because the summers are boiling. Every year, I'm tempted to buy some gloves. But then I think that it's kind of silly, because I equate gloves with absolutely freezing snowy weather. Heh, totally random topic.

I am now officially on holidays. What to do? You would think that I would post more, considering I have much more time on my hands... but that's not going to happen.

And congrats to Jo for her new job! Bringing home the bacon!

And now I'll leave you with the interview of Steven Lewandowsky (a.k.a. memory/jury lecturer) that's taken from the Psychos newsletter. I thought that they was really random questions, but I like the one about Dr Phil and the Super Nanny!!

Hi Steve, thank you for taking the time to chat with "The Inner Truth", here are just some psychology-related questions to find out what's going on inside your head...

So tell us, what first got you interested in psychology?

My mum and my aunt were both practicing psychologists and did a lot of work with children. Somehow it never entered my mind that I could be anything other than a psychologist (well, as a boy I did entertain careers as a fire fighter, truck driver, pilot, and Bob the Builder, but most of those eventually fell by the wayside, although I did spend several summers as a student trucking over Europe).

You have taught at many universities around the world; what are your favourite and least favourite things about lecturing at UWA?

Most favourite: The first-year lectures in the Octagon and supervising billiant PhD students.

Least favourite: Dealing with administrative trivia that have no bearing on the quality of teaching.

If you could meet any psychologist from history who would it be and what would you ask them?

Herrmann von Ebbinghaus (of nonsense-syllable fame), and I'd ask him why he didn't die of boredom memorizing all those lists.

Why do you think show's like Dr Phil and Supernanny are so successful?

I can't tell because I have never watched either. In fact, I don't really watch TV at all. But if I had to guess it's probably because they are shallow and uninformative opiate for a populace struggling with the consequences of globalization.

Rumour has it you have been seen hanging from cliffs around Perth - do you have any interesting climbing stories?

It's not a rumour, it's the truth. I do hang from cliffs a lot, although I actually try to climb them (with modest success). I took up climbing as therapy against my excessive fear of heights. Don't really have stories...

On your website you have a link to the Narrogin Gliding Club, how did you get involved in gliding in the skies above Perth?

I always wanted to be a pilot (see answer to first question). One of the principal reasons for coming to Australia was to take up gliding. I am a little less active now than I used to be, but I still instruct and fly my own glider whenever it's too hot to hang from cliffs.

Thank you for you time!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Hippies and Dictators

It's not even 7:00am yet. Why am I awake?! Oh, yeah... I am an exam today.

For those other people also doing 301, just remember what Dan Milech said:

"Regression is like a hippie. ANOVA is like a facist dictator."

Anyway, the answer to the scenario is that the rightful owner is the finder. Because no one claimed it for 3 months, the bag is now legally hers. Although the first owner was overseas, she could have gone on the internet to report that she has something missing.

Nice to see you guys are using those brains of yours. And I would let the person in the queue, but only if they had a small number of items (heh, just kidding).

Yes Dorcas, I'm free on Friday. I'll ask Amy, and hopefully the ever-busy Hidi will show up too.

I can hear the exam calling me...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Justice For All!

After so much study (haha - I detect sarcasm) I had a break and watched a TVB show. It's called Justice For All. It's like a game show, where the audience have to guess whether (in a certain scenario) the person was guilty or not guilty.

One example:

A woman finds a handbag. It's branded, and looks very expensive. She takes it to the police station. After 3 months, no one comes to claim the bag, or report a bag being lost. So the police give the finder back the handbag.

The finder starts using the bag as her own. A lady comes up to her, accusing the finder of stealing the handbag. The lady has been overseas for 3 months, right after she lost her handbag. They open up the bag, and the lady's initials are printed inside (so you know that she was the owner of the bag).

So.. who is the rightful owner of the handbag? The finder, or the previous owner?

Answer in the next post. That'll force you guys to come back to this blog.

Random Quote of the Day: "I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific." -- Lily Tomlin

Saturday, June 04, 2005

FCC quiz night

So.. guess which group won the FCC quiz the second time in a row? Hehe... woohoo!!

Anyway, I reckon the best strategy for winning is one of two ways:

(1) Get a group together where each person knows a certain catergory, such as geography, science, politics, etc.

(2) Or, if you're like me, and know nothing about everything, get a group together in which a few select people are extremely smart and know all the answers.

But the night was very stressful. Our table took things so seriously! So congrats guys. You really deserved to win.