Random things
Since I have more time on my hands, I should really be posting more. But I guess no one wants to read the incredibly boring ramblings of my life!
Today is a Monday. Went to Carousel today. That's about it.
I really should try to do something these holidays. I mean, soon I will never get three months off ever again! So, I should enjoy lazing around more. That's my excuse for lazing around.
I should really post a picture up here, since Amy showed me how to, but I really can't be bothered. How lazy is that?
Do you guys notice that my posts are always ramblings about really random things? I should really get out more.
Burke's Backyard has been axed after 17 years. That's really sad. Not that I watched it, but hey, Don Burke is cool. Now we will never hear the song, "Give me a home among the gum trees, with lots of plum trees..." And you guys should go to the link above. It's an article from The Australian which sums it up pretty nicely.
Wow, how random is this post?